“A Brave New World: Aeonics and the Western Tradition” by Alan Chapman

"This ebook was originally commissioned as an essay for an anthology that never materialised. My brief was to present the magical view of time, most notably how the various magicians over the years have approached eschatology, and especially as it appears in the work of Aleister Crowley. Surveying the work already available on the subject, I came to realise that most commentators were prone to misrepresenting the magical view of time due to a lack of context; and where a little bit of research might have filled in the blanks, we find instead recourse to flights of the imagination. I have therefore written a general survey of the magical view of time...>>

“The Urn” by Alan Chapman and Duncan Barford

"Chapman and Barford are two contemporary magicians who have transformed the face of contemporary occultism by reviving the notion of 'The Great Work' and setting modern magick free from the dead-end of post-modern nihilism. 'The Urn' is the second in the three-volume series of their uncensored magical exploits. Having successfully crossed the abyss, the two authors now set their sights on the goal of full enlightenment, setting out in detail their findings and techniques. On the way they encounter a guru who can enlighten people just by being near them; receive prophecies from an astral representative of The Great White Brotherhood; and explore the true significance of love and the meaning of life. Like...>>