“Subtle Energy: A Handbook of Psychic Energy Manipulation” by Keith Miller (2nd edition)

"Informational chapters describe the recent history of subtle energy work since the 1900s that has brought us to where we are today. You will learn about the nature of the energy body, chakras, and the aura that we all possess. Additional chapters provide information on how to use psychic ability to interface with other magical or occult systems, including elemental magic, personal alchemy, and ritual magic. A Hermetic philosophical framework allows for easy integration with other Western magical systems. A discussion of elements, both Eastern and Western, provides a framework for integrating even into some Eastern forms of magic. This book is aimed for the beginner or intermediate practitioner of subtle energy and psychic ability....>>

“Earth Magic: Your Complete Guide to Natural Spells, Potions, Plants, Herbs, Witchcraft, and More” by Marie D. Jones

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "Unearth the power of nature! Healing through herbs. Spells to find your soul mate. Stones to improve concentration and increase productivity. Potions for happiness. Secrets of the stars. Nature’s magic is everywhere. It’s in backyards, in the woods, ponds, and even kitchens. You just need to know how to see it. It’s finding the well-being drawn from the energies of the Earth and the universe. It’s the herbs and plants, symbols and talismans, candles, stones, gems, and crystals, and their special powers and meanings, spells, potions, and animal and spirit guides. Even as it gives us the food, water, and air we need to survive, the Earth offers gifts far beyond the obvious. Earth Magic:...>>