“The Power of Awareness” by Neville (Tarcher Cornerstone Editions)

"Here is a signature volume of one of the most quietly impactful and radical works ever written on the creative potentialities of human thought, The Power of Awareness. In this book, author Neville presents a concise, unforgettable statement of his core philosophy: that the world around you is a picture in your mind’s eye, created by your thinking, and susceptible to change by altering your thoughts and feelings. Originally published in 1952, The Power of Awareness not only prefigured the revolution in mind-power metaphysics, but surpassed it. Before the public had heard about quantum physics experiments (popularized in our own time through movies such as The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know!?), Neville...>>

“The Lost Secret of Death: Our Divided Souls and the Afterlife” by Peter Novak

"Novak investigates a belief called the Binary Soul Doctrine (BSD) which states simply that humans possess two souls which split at death, the conscious going on to reincarnate again and again, while the unconscious ends up in a type of limbo judging itself for all eternity. He goes on to explain that long ago the BSD was the primary belief of a single world religion, which since has been broken into more and more fragments. However, he claims that twentieth-century findings, including the work of Freud and Jung, as well as findings of modern neuroscience and Near-Death research, has marked a resurgence of belief in the veracity of the BSD. Novak argues--just as those long ago...>>

“Bitchcraft: Simple Spells for Everyday Annoyances & Sweet Revenge” by Kerry Colburn

"For the modern woman who wants to unleash her inner bitch, this magical book offers simple spells and incantations to exact revenge on anyone who deserves it—an evil ex, a coworker who stole her thunder, the stylist who ignored what ‘just a trim’ means, the rude idiot who won’t stop talking through the movie—the list sadly never ends. This enchanting collection emboldens women to use their own power to take matters into their own hands, with sassy spells for home, work, love, and more. A driver cut you off? There’s a spell for that. Someone on the subway stepped on your shoe and didn’t apologize? Just recite an incantation! Boss won’t approve your vacation...>>