“The Decadent Gardener” by Medlar Lucan and Durian Gray

"There is an odd,subversive book called The Decadent Gardener by Medlar Lucan and Durian Gray. The introduction describes the decadent gardening ethos thus:'In the garden, the decadent seeks to create a moment of beauty, which should be allowed to fall into decay and ruin.'Gardening,Lucan and Gray believe, is 'little more than systematic violence in pursuit of beauty', and the gardener is first and foremost a sadist. These two, the Kropotkin and De Sade of horticulture, understand that'nowhere are sex and death more intimately bound together than in the garden.' For them the garden is a place of 'agony, self-doubt and betrayal.' They remind us that, if we are to believe the Bible - not...>>

“The Witch’s Spellbook:Enchantments, Incantations, and Rituals from Around the World” by Sarah Bartlett

"Magic is in every part of the living world--one just needs to know how to tap into it. The Witch's Spellbook is a powerful collection of spells, rituals, and enchantments that you can use to tap into your intuition and the power of the natural world. This book reveals how, by casting spells that align to the cycles of nature and the universe, you can begin to manifest your dreams and shape your destiny. Organized by topic, such as spells for prosperity, charms for body, beauty, and sex, or enchantments for creativity and charisma, each spell draws upon world traditions, sacred holidays, and lunar events such as solstices and equinoxes. Whether you’re new or experienced, this is...>>

“The Coelbren Alphabet: The Forgotten Oracle of the Welsh Bards” by John Michael Greer

"Devised by a famous Welsh poet, the Bardic alphabet called Coelbren has always seemed to hold great promise. But as long as nobody knew how to use the system for divination, it remained simply a relic of a bygone era. In The Coelbren Alphabet, John Michael Greer reveals the secrets of this esoteric alphabet, restoring the Coelbren to its rightful place as a powerful magical tool. Unlike the Ogham or runes, the Coelbren letters take their meaning directly from the sounds they represent. Providing the name, Welsh keyword, meaning, symbolism, pronunciation, and divinatory interpretation of each letter, this book shows how to use this unique system for divination and magic. You will also discover sample...>>

“A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism” by John Michael Greer

"In this book John Michael Greer turns his attention to the intellectual underpinnings and superstructures of the Pagan and magical movements. Pagan religions have tended to be more concerned with practice that with theory and in a system that has no dogma - no legislated doctrine - that is as it should be. Yet as out movement grows and matures, it is inevitable that we will begin to think in a more abstract way about our models and systems. John Michael Greer has provided a primer on the kinds of ideas and themes that must be included in any discussion of the theology and philosophy of Neo-pagan religions."...>>

“Book of Ganesha” by Royina Grewal

"Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, is easily the most recognizable and loveable of Hindu deities. But pinpointing his various attributes is not quite so simple. He is at once the portly, merry, childlike god and the sage, complex philosopher. He is the presiding deity of material wealth and the lord of spirituality. He removes all impediments for his devotees but creates all manner of difficulties for the transgressors, man or god. And associated with every aspect of Ganesha-be it his extraordinary birth, his elephant head, his broken tusk, his vehicle (the mouse), his appetite, his anger-are scores of myths, each more colourful than the other. In this thoroughly researched and delightfully narrated book, Royina Grewal...>>