“Dark Secrets of the New Age: Satan’s Plan for a One World Religion” by Texe Marrs (2nd edition)

"In the pages of this revealing book, the secret "Plan" of the New Age Movement is exposed for the first time in startling detail. Basing the book on an in-depth investigation of the Movement, author Texe Marrs includes over 600 actual quotes from New Age leaders which unveil their "Plan" for establishing a New Age Messiah to lead a One-World Religion and a global government. As part of the "Plan," the Movement intends to wage a total spiritual war against Christian believers. Their ultimate goal? To eliminate every vestige of Christianity. This is the most complete and well-documented book ever published about the New Age Movement. It shows exactly what is now being done by...>>

“Wishcraft: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Magickal Manifesting for the Modern Witch” by Sakura Fox

"Simple, accessible spells and rituals for the modern woman who wants to stop wishing for a better life and start magically manifesting it - right now. Have you ever blown out the candles on a birthday cake and made a wish? Or tossed a coin into a fountain and crossed your fingers? You probably didn't know it, but you were practicing WishCraft. Within this book, you'll find spells, rituals and recipes to make all of your dreams come true, including to attract more money, boost your luck, deflect negativity, heal an illness or ailment, bring harmony and balance, draw down the power of the Moon, cleanse the energy around you, increase your psychic awareness, recall your...>>

“Silver’s Spells for Prosperity” by Silver RavenWolf

"Take charge of your finances the Silver way! Now one of the most famous Witches in the world today shows you how to get the upper hand on your cash flow with techniques personally designed and tested by the author herself. She will show you how to banish those awful old debts without heartache, get money back from someone who owes you, and transform your money energy so it flows in the the right direction - toward you! An abundance of spells can aid you in everything from winning a court case to getting creditors off your back. You'll also find a wealth of historical and practical information on spell elements and ingredients."...>>

“The Old and the New Magic” by Henry Ridgely Evans

"The very word magic has an alluring sound; and its practice as an art will probably never lose its attractiveness for people’s minds. But we must remember that there is a difference between the old magic and the new; and that both are separated by a deep chasm; which is a kind of color line; for though the latter develops from the former in a gradual and natural course of evolution; they are radically different in principle; and the new magic is irredeemably opposed to the assumptions upon which the old magic rests."...>>

“The Eye in the Triangle: An Interpretation of Aleister Crowley” by Israel Regardie

"This is the masterful biography of the Magus Aleister Crowley, written by the one person most qualified to write it. Israel Regardie was a friend and student of Crowley, and served as his personal secretary for some time. In this book, Regardie manages to write a fair and balanced view of Crowley. It is an intelligent and insightful look into Crowley's life, Magick and Mysticism. Dr. Regardie interprets all this from the wisdom of experience. A member of the Golden Dawn, O.T.O. and A.A., Regardie writes with deep insight and compassion, openly revealing his own feelings, and thus providing a unique insight into Crowley. This book is the classic biography of Crowley."...>>