“A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch” by Joshua Cutchin

"Accept food from faeries, and you’ll never escape their realm, according to European folklore. Accept food from Sasquatch and you will forever be trapped in the spirit world, according to indigenous North American tales. And today, abductees—at least those who have returned—often report being offered strange beverages from their captors. Are these similarities mere coincidence, or is something more at play? In this outstanding example of scholarship on the unknown, Joshua Cutchin has created the world’s first survey and analysis of the food and drink offered by aliens, faeries, and Sasquatch. The offerings are often not what they appear to be: some liquids have healing or aphrodisiac qualities, some foods expand awareness, and there are...>>

“Internet Afterlife: Virtual Salvation in the 21st Century” by Kevin O’Neill

"Can you imagine swapping your body for a virtual version? This technology-based look at the afterlife chronicles America's fascination with death and reveals how digital immortality may become a reality. • Reveals the period in American history that established cultural views about the afterlife • Discusses how technology aids in achieving and designing perspectives on heaven and immortality • Reviews technologies surrounding digital mortality, including Dmitry Itskov's 2045 Initiative and Martine Rothblatt's Terasem Foundation • Illustrates how the Internet helps those who have lost loved ones to grieve and cope in new ways • Links perceptions about death and the hereafter to typical American attitudes, including optimism, confidence, self-reliance, and innovation • Examines the use of virtual memorials, online obituaries,...>>

“This is Not a Game: A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming” by Dave Szulborski

"Imagine a world of mystery and excitement, adventure and fantasy, waiting for you to explore. A world that reacts to your every move, with characters and companies that talk to you, send you messages, and even give you items to help you in your quest. A world so immersive that you can no longer tell where the reality ends and the fiction begins. Welcome to the world of Alternate Reality Gaming. This Is Not A Game: A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming by Dave Szulborski is the perfect introduction to the unique and exciting world of Alternate Reality Games. Written by the creator of five successful and critically acclaimed ARGs, This Is Not A...>>

“The Rebirth of Witchcraft” by Doreen Valiente (kindle edition)

"Since 1951, when the last of the Witchcraft Acts was repealed, many books have been written about the reappearance of witchcraft and the development of a pagan theology. Churchmen have denounced it. Sociologists have wondered at it. Journalists have penned sensational stories about it. But until the publication of this book, no one had told the real story of it from the inside as frankly as it is told here. Doreen Valiente, one of witchcraft's most widely known figures, was a close friend of the late Gerald Gardner, generally regarded as the founder of present-day witchcraft. Initiated by him and for a time High Priestess of his coven, Doreen Valiente helped him rewrite his...>>

“Traditional Witchcraft for Urban Living” by Melusine Draco

"For the witch whose career confines them to an urban environment, regular Craft practice may often seem like a futile gesture, especially if home is a small, gardenless-flat. Even the suburbs can be magically incapacitating, if there is constant noise from traffic and neighbours. People work long hour without having the opportunity to notice the subtle changing of the seasons. Weekends are a constant battle with family, domestic chores and socialising. It’s no wonder that the urban witch has little time left for magical and spiritual development. Traditional Witchcraft for Urban Living deals with the constant barrage of psychic problems that confront the urban witch on a daily basis. Based on the teachings of...>>