“The Original I Ching: An Authentic Translation of the Book of Changes” by Margaret J. Pearson

"The I Ching's purpose is universal: to provide good counsel to its users in making decisions during times of change. Since its origins about 3,000 years ago, it has become a compendium of wisdom used by people of many cultures and eras. This groundbreaking new translation by Dr. Margaret Pearson is based on the text created during the first centuries of the Zhou Dynasty, study of documents showing how it was used in the dynasty, and on current archaeological research findings. Her translation removes centuries of encrusted inaccuracies to better reveal the I Ching's core truths for today's readers. Whether you are interested in trying this millennia-tested method of making wise choices or in understanding the...>>

“The Visionary I Ching: A Book of Changes for Intuitive Decision Making” by Paul O’Brien

"The Visionary I Ching is a modern illustrated version of the world's oldest and wisest book, designed to facilitate intuitive and decision-making. This orientation of the "Book of Changes" helps the reader balance logic with an intuition that is informed by the timeless wisdom of the great Chinese classic, which for millennia has served as a sourcebook for Taoist philosophy, Chinese medicine and the martial arts. The I Ching may be the oldest book in the world—but far more than that, it is the world's most revered divination system. Introductory chapters of The Visionary I Ching explain the two fundamental elements of authentic divination systems—synchronicity and archetypes—as defined by the great depth psychologist, Carl...>>

“Pathworking the Tarot: Spiritual Guidance & Practical Advice from the Cards” by Leeza Robertson

"Just as using a tarot deck is a journey through a story, so is pathworking a journey through an inner landscape to find higher awareness and spiritual growth. This practical book's approach to pathworking will deepen your connection to the cards and encourage you to evolve spiritually. As you pathwork through the deck, you'll learn how to meditate on your readings and uncover so much more than you thought you could. Leeza Robertson introduces you to three pathworking styles: intentional (intentionally selecting cards based on theme), intuitive (letting the cards guide you), and wandering (combining a little of both the intentional and intuitive styles). Using straightforward techniques and hands-on exercises, she guides you through the...>>

“Opening the Doors of Perception: The Key to Cosmic Awareness” by Anthony Peake

"Opening the Doors of Perception will update Huxley's work and suggest process and procedures whereby man can, indeed, perceive reality in its true glory. The book will be in two sections. The first will discuss in great detail a concept I first introduced in my book The Daemon: A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self. I termed this the "scale of transcendence" and suggested that there is a scale of perceptions whereby the doors of perception are slowly opened and, bit by bit, they reveal the true nature of "reality" as suggested by most esoteric teachings and mystic traditions. Most human beings perceive the doors as being securely closed. However there are occasions when...>>

“Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development” by Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

"Many different systems and traditions of magic, divination, spirituality, and esoteric religion exist, but at their core, they share the need for practitioners to safely and successfully experience the reality that lies beyond the physical senses. Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development is a collection of proven and tested methods, rituals, and systems that will help you deepen and clarify your capacity to sense and understand the rich worlds beyond the veils of the ordinary. The material in this book derives from decades of work by the author and his students. Dominguez offers the reader practical techniques for increasing psychic aptitude and ability. There are also techniques to manage empathy and psychic...>>