Magick Matters

“The Manifestation Matrix: Nine Steps to Manifest Money, Success and Love – When Asking and Believing Are Not Working” by Forbes Robbins Blair

"Many books about manifestation instruct you to "just ask" the Universe for what you want and to "believe" you will receive it. When that fails to deliver, of course you feel frustrated and wonder what went wrong. In The Manifestation Matrix, you do not ask the Universe for what you want. You declare, assert and command it. You can really attract abundance, manifest a dream job, enjoy better health, or meet that someone special with this easy though powerful manifestation system. From bestselling self-help author and teacher, Forbes Robbins Blair, comes this mind-blowing second volume in the series. If you liked his book The Manifestation Manifesto, you are going to love The Manifestation Matrix. With its...>>

“The Manifestation Manifesto: Amazing Techniques and Strategies to Attract the Life You Want – No Visualization Required” by Forbes Robbins Blair

"Manifest money, abundance, a great career, good fortune, and happy relationships. Direct your amazing mind power. Set your manifestation goals effectively. Attract the right people. And become more successful. You are already good at manifesting because your thoughts automatically attract what happens to you. So, the big issue with manifestation is the QUALITY of what you attract, and how you can achieve it. You Don't Need to Visualize Anything: In The Manifestation Manifesto, best-selling author Forbes Robbins Blair helps you stop manifesting what you don't want. The book inspires and motivates you to create the life you feel you deserve - without needing to visualize anything! Coming from the author's decades of experience and experimentation, this book includes...>>

“The Book of Highs: 255 Ways to Alter Your Consciousness without Drugs” by Edward Rosenfeld

"An encyclopedia for the curious and courageous, The Book of Highs catalogs the hundreds of ways humans can alter consciousness, minus drugs and alcohol. Drawn from cultures around the world, here are positive techniques—Self-Hypnosis, Alterations of Breathing, Fervent Prayer, Spinning. And here are “negative” techniques—Self-Flagellation, Sleep Deprivation, Fire Walking. Methods derived from religious and mystic traditions—Transcendental Meditation, Tea Ceremony, Tantric Sex. Methods that use devices, from the domestic Metronome Watching, to the state-of-the-art Brain-Wave Biofeedback, Electrodermal Activity (EDA), Ganzfeld Effect, and Psychedelic Bathtub. Whether you’re looking for a life-changing adventure—like Skydiving—or something to do every day, just to change things up—like Zen Morning Laugh—The Book of Highs will get you there."...>>

“The Power of Prana: Breathe Your Way to Health and Vitality” by Stephen Co and Eric B. Robins

"Go, go, go. It's a motto that many of us follow everyday. This hectic pace can drain our supply of life force energy, or prana, leaving us tired and worn out. To help us optimize our energetic health, Master Stephen Co shares The Power of Prana. This one - of - a-kind book teaches us a potent series of practices known as the Nine Energizing Breaths. These simple exercises-which can be completed in just ten minutes a day-combine breath retention, muscle tension, and basic postures to clear out energetic blockages and enhance the flow of prana throughout the body. ''Thousands of my students who use it not only report increased stamina, but also greater...>>

“Your Hands Can Heal You: Pranic Healing Energy Remedies to Boost Vitality and Speed Recovery from Common Health Problems”by Stephen Co and Eric B. Robins

"What if one of the most effective tools you have to restore your health is not surgery or medications, but your own hands? Incredibly, your hands can heal you -- with the "energy medicine" of Pranic Healing. A powerful system that is rapidly increasing in popularity, Pranic Healing works with your own natural, vital energy -- which is also called prana -- to accelerate your body's innate self-healing ability. Amazingly easy to learn and apply, Pranic Healing uses a series of powerful but simple methods to generate energy, including non-touch hand movements; energetic hygiene, the practice of keeping your personal energy tank clean and full; breathing; and brief meditations. Using these unique techniques, you can...>>