Magick Matters

“Ask Baba Lon” by Lon Milo DuQuette

"Best-selling occult author and magician, Lon Milo DuQuette, wraps his turban on to become—"Baba Lon"—answering letters and questions of magick and mysticism (sent for over 20 years by both adepts and idiots, saints and psychotics). This is DuQuette at his best and most outrageously candid. "There are no stupid questions..." he laments..."just stupid people." (Later he makes a half-sincere apology for that remark.) Peppered generously with DuQuette's drawings and magical verses, "Ask Baba Lon" is guaranteed to delight, entertain and (if YOUR turban isn't wrapped too tight) ENLIGHTEN you."...>>

“Awo Obi: Obi Divination in Theory and Practice” by Baba Osundiya

"Divination is a critical part in the life of anyone seriously practicing any branch the Orisa tradition - whether it is Lukumi, Santeria, Candombie or Ifa. Divination affords the individual a chance to engage in a direct dialog with the Ancestors and Orisa, bringing an opportunity to have a personal communication with the powerful spirits of these religions. Awo Obi: Obi Divination in Theory and Practice allows the student to begin to utilize the art of divination in their own lives and personal religious practices. The Obi is an Oracle for everyone, an Oracle that does not require initiation before giving one the ability to divine. Awo Obi: Obi Divination in Theory and Practice reveals...>>

“The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt’ by Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully

"Deep within each of us lives a primal memory of a time when the natural world was recognized as divine and our temples were built from sacred materials enlivened through magic. Temples were not places you visited once a week; they were centers of community, divine work, healing, and wisdom, places where Heaven and Earth meet. This union of Heaven and Earth--the sacred temple--is also a union of Thoth and Isis: the Egyptian god of wisdom and the creative cosmic force and the Egyptian goddess of civilizing knowledge. Their relationship established the celestial teachings on Earth, for Thoth taught Isis all the mysteries and magic she knows and Isis acted as Thoth’s instrument to...>>

“Merlin: Once and Future Wizard” by Elen Sentier (Pagan Portals)

"Bestselling author Elen Sentier looks at Merlin in history and mythology and considers his continuing relevance for people today. Best known as the wizard from the Arthurian stories, Merlin has been written about for well over 1000 years and is considered to be both a magical and historical figure. Over the centuries many people have had relationships with Merlin and in this book the author brings him to life for us once again in yet another way and from yet another perspective."...>>