Magick Matters

“Angel Tech: A Modern Shaman’s Guide to Reality Selection” by Antero Alli (3rd revised edition)

"Angel Tech is a comprehensive compendium of insights and techniques for the direct application of Dr. Timothy Leary's Eight-Circuit Brain model for Intelligence Increase. What Dr. Leary posited as theory (Exo-Psychology) and Dr. Robert Anton Wilson brilliantly demonstrated in sociopolitical, mathematical and intellectual proofs (Prometheus Rising), Antero Alli has extended into tangible tasks, exercises, rituals and meditations towards an embodied realization of brain change through first hand experience. Angel Tech challenges the reader to redefine "Intelligence"; according to hir own direct experiences and finally, dares us to live accordingly. In print for over twenty years, this Third Revised Edition of this classic "performance" book has been updated and revised based on the author's most...>>

“Modern Shaman’s Guide to a Pregnant Universe” by Antero Alli and Christopher S. Hyatt

"The Pregnant Universe is a Neural Cocktail party of a brain getting drunk on itself. It is the essence of slimy copulation between known and unknown forces. As the planet braces for a series of new contractions, bizarre and interesting forces are being born---brains with new centers, new chemicals, new visions---going far beyond the suited dinosaurs prattling their slogans... The Modern Shaman is a Pilot---an individual of real power interacting with "spirits," pulling the triggers of knowledge, visions, brains and technologies culminating in---a creature---too ugly for the common to bear. Long out-of-print, A Modern Shaman's Guide to a Pregnant Universe is back by popular demand. Filled with Provocative Images and Mind-Pounding Ideas. Thoroughly iconoclastic and genuinely...>>

“Astrologik: The Oracular Art of Astrology” by Antero Alli

"ASTROLOGIK: The Oracular Art of Astrology" is a hands-on workbook for interpreting your own horoscope while learning the language of astrology. Though the author's down-to-earth approach is accessible and easy to follow, the reader's creative thought processes and imagination are also challenged in this unique study of the celestial alphabet. What is learned can be immediately applied towards a deeper understanding of oneself and the world."...>>

“The Best of the Equinox, Sex Magick: Volume III” by Aleister Crowley and Lon Milo DuQuette

" Sex Magick, the practice of utilizing sexual energy and sacred sex rituals as a potent force to reach higher states of consciousness, has been cloaked in secrecy for centuries. Some scholars believe that the practice can be traced back to Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and was later passed down as a Secret Doctrine through many esoteric orders, from the Knights Templar to the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, and finally the O.T.O. 20th century English occultist, mystic, ceremonial magician, and O.T.O. leader Aleister Crowley believed that sexual magick was the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. He dedicated the entire second half of his life to exploring its mysteries. Sex Magick presents the bulk...>>