Magick Matters

“True Manifestation: Hermetic’s working alternative to the Law of Attraction fiction” by Nathaniel Writes

"For the last few years there has been a plethora of books exploiting the success of the “Law of Attraction” phenomenon, and in particular addressing the fact that it doesn't work. Every single book that tries to “unlock the secret of the true law of attraction” basically say that you have to get rid of your own limiting beliefs, and that you are basically doing it wrong. So if the Law of Attraction doesn't work, it’s your fault. The reality is that the law of attraction cannot work because thoughts do NOT become things. Thoughts are already the end product, a mental manifestation, of a cause that sits elsewhere, at an Akashic level, and have...>>

“The Love Magic Grimoire” by Nathaniel Writes

" There exists no true, serious and proper Love Magic treatise – until this book came along. Folklore compilations, wishful thinking wiccan and candle magic simplistic and romanced fictions can be found commonly, but their content is poor at best, and in all cases, never addresses the magical and hermetic nature of love, affection, attraction and lust, the ways and reasons of their existence, the spheres they originate from and how to activate them, on one self and others. By all ways and means, they are utterly ineffective. The author has spent two thirds of his life experientially researching the subject of love. The result of his lifelong journey are now reflected here, and the reader...>>

“Enlightenment via Ayahuasca: An account of how an Ayahuasca vine inspired tea allows the experience of the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah” by Nathaniel Writes

"Do you have a keen interest in spirituality, but have always wander ‘what else’ you can do to make it palatable to your physical senses, every day of your life? This book is the account of an individual who chose to walk the Ayahuasca path of life and explore it to its end, within the scope of our modern lifestyle, in a search for enlightenment at reach of everyday life, rather than secluded in a remote retreat. This book illustrates: The optimal recipe for the Ayahuasca vine How to avoid unnecessary purging when drinking the medicine How to navigate the Ayahuasca space How to transcend the nature of the Ayahuasca tea How to enter and navigate through the different spiritual spheres...>>

“What happens when we die: An account of the journey of human consciousness at the moment of passing away, during the afterlife and reincarnation” by Nathaniel Writes

"Who best than somebody who’s been there, and back, and there, and back, multiple times, and who can remember the voyage, to share with you his account of this universal journey? And who can best let you know how to negotiate and transition best through the different stages of this process? There are many accounts of Near Death Experiences available, but none of them look into their blueprint and explain the reasons and order of the different steps involved in them. This book does answer all of these questions, both from the perspective of a person who has been there willingly, and that can equally explain the scope, nature, extend and meaning of this cyclical...>>

“Obeah: A Sorcerous Ossuary” by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

"Of all the Living Traditions, Obeah has remained the most elusive. Whilst Vodou and Santeria have had both academic and occult treatment in tomes widely available to the seeker, Obeah has stayed uncompromisingly rooted as a sorcerous tradition veiled in obscurity. In OBEAH: A SORCEROUS OSSUARY, Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold teases open this Caribbean mystery and reveals a crooked path into the hidden world of Papa Bones and Sasabonsam with a short monograph concerning the history of this incoherent cult and the ways in which power is bestowed upon and wielded by the Obeahman. The text includes the Kabalistic Banquette of Lemegeton, the Hypostasis of Abysina Clarissa and the Green Beasts, a Kabalistic Mass...>>