Magick Matters

“The Magical Art of Mental Projection” by Charles Mage

"The Magical Art of Mental Projection is an occult writing on the ancient and secret practice of projecting the mind, also known as mental wandering or mental travel. This magical practice will allow you to travel the world, the cosmos, and the entire multiverse. As the Hermetic teaching goes, "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental," and it is exactly this universal teaching that will allow you to penetrate the divine mysteries and travel the worlds visible and invisible. The Magical Art of Mental Projection lifts the veil and reveals clear-cut instructive teachings and techniques of mental travelling. For a long time, this practice has been revealed only to chosen initiates and members of...>>

“Instant Magick for Everyday Use” by Charles Mage

"Instant Magick for Everyday Use is a magical handbook that will teach you how to do real magick at any time and wherever you may be. The problem with so many practitioners of the magical arts today is that they don't get to do as much magic as they ought to do. They are simply too busy with the pressures and demands of everyday life. If you are one of those busy witches and magicians out there who simply do not have enough time for their spiritual and magical life, then this handbook is for you. Whether you are at home, at work, in school, or even on the train, or anywhere you may...>>

“Learn to Create an Astral Temple” by Charles Mage

"Learn to Create an Astral Temple is a magical handbook that will teach you how to create your very own astral temple. An astral temple is your special place where you can relax, practice the Craft, and have fun, among others. It is your place, so feel free to do anything that you want with it. If you are a serious practitioner of the arts magical, then it is strongly suggested that you learn to create an astral temple. It is a sacred place for magick. Indeed, many adept practitioners of magick also practice the Craft in their own astral temple. Whether you are a beginner or someone who wants to take your practice to...>>

“Imagination Magick: Learn to Use Your Imagination to Live a Magickal Life” by Charles Mage

"Imagination Magick: Learn to Use Your Imagination to Live a Magickal Life is an occult chapbook that will teach you how to harness the powers of your mind to create great magick and make your life magically beautiful. If you want to fill your life with the powers of magick and witchcraft or if you simply want to take your magical practice to the next level, then this manual will show you the way to a world that is overflowing with magick and wonder. Among the true practitioners of magick, it is not a secret that the imagination is the key to the great Mystery. The word imagination comes from this occult secret: I-mage....>>