Magick Matters

“Healing with Psi” by Charles Mage

"Healing with Psi is a magickal manual that will teach you how you can heal yourself (and other people) using psi energy. This manual shares ancient secrets and techniques of magical healing. Whether you want to heal a fever, physical and emotional pain, or any other dis-ease, then this manual is for you. Healing using psi is nothing new. It has been in existence for centuries. However, only a few initiates today are aware of the marvelous healing techniques of psi healing. While most people have turned to conventional science for treating diseases, there are magical practitioners out there who successfully treat all kinds of diseases solely with the power of psi. Healing with Psi will...>>

“Psi Constructs” by Charles Mage

"Creating psi constructs is considered an advanced skill in psionics, and even in the realm of magick and the occult. Mastery of this technique is, indeed, a key to great power. Once you learn and master how to create psi constructs, there is simply so much that you can do. This is also why the true knowledge on how to create real and effective psi constructs have been kept in secrecy through the ages. It also takes a decent level of spiritual maturity. Psi Constructs is a magickal manual that unveils the secret teachings of the adepts and reveals the true knowledge and practice of creating and using powerful psi constructs."...>>

“Experiments with Magical Energy” by Charles Mage

"Experiments with Magical Energy is an occult handbook that teaches various experiments with magical energy. If you want to explore the powers of magical energy and your own magical/psychic abilities, then feel free to try the experiments as revealed in this handbook. Magical energy is known by many names, such as ki, chi, prana, orgone, pneuma, mana, psi, and vital force, among many others. It has been used by and known in various cultures and traditions in different parts of the world. Be reminded that regardless of the term that it is called, these terms refer to one and the same energy. For our own purposes, we shall refer to it as magical energy or...>>

“Fun Things to Do with Your Energy Ball” by Charles Mage

"Fun Things to Do with Your Energy Ball will teach you fun and different things that you can do with your energy ball. If you are getting tired of just creating a ball of energy, then it is time to take your magical practice to the next level. An energy ball is a versatile tool that can do lots of things and wonders. Oh, and if you do not know it yet, it does not have to be limited to a ball. Do not worry, you will learn all of these and more as you read this magical handbook. So, stay with me as we venture into a world of magick and mystery, you...>>