Magick Matters

“How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog” by Chad Orzel

"When physics professor Chad Orzel went to the pound to adopt a dog, he never imagined Emmy. She wasn’t just a friendly mutt who needed a home. Soon she was trying to use the strange ideas of quantum mechanics for the really important things in her life: chasing critters, getting treats, and going for walks. She peppered Chad with questions: Could she use quantum tunneling to get through the neighbor’s fence and chase bunnies? What about quantum teleportation to catch squirrels before they climb out of reach? Where are all the universes in which Chad drops steak on the floor? With great humor and clarity, Chad Orzel explains to Emmy, and to human readers, just...>>

“Knowledge in a Nutshell: Quantum Physics: The complete guide to quantum physics, including wave functions, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and quantum gravity” by Sten Odenwald

"Quantum theory is at the heart of modern physics, but how does it actually work? NASA scientist and communicator Sten Odenwald demystifies the subject and makes this crucial topic accessible to everyone. Featuring topics such as Schrodinger's cat, the wave-particle duality and the newly emerging theories of quantum gravity, as well as the personalities behind the science, such as Max Planck, Neils Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Richard Feynman and many more, Knowledge in a Nutshell: Quantum Physics provides an essential introduction to cutting edge science. Presented in an easy-to-understand format, with diagrams, illustrations and simple summary sections at the end of each chapter, this new addition to the 'Knowledge in a Nutshell' series brings clarity to some...>>

“Quantum Physics for Beginners: Understanding the Universe through Law of Attraction, Theory of Relativity and many others Physics Laws Made Easy” by Steven J. Meier

"Would you believe in something you don't see, can't hear, and can't feel? – That is how most people feel about Quantum Physics – a mysterious world that only experience scientist can understand and use. But what if I told you that you don't have to be a scientist to understand this subject. What if I told you that almost everyone, after a good 4 hours with this profound book, will be able to be not only to understand this, at first sight, complicated science but also, discuss about it with wisdom and decent knowledge. Throughout this book, you will learn all the most important foundations of Quantum Physics. And hopefully, it will make you excited,...>>

“Quantum Physics for Beginners: Understand the Principal Quantum Physics Theories Explained in a Simple Way. Now you Can Discover the Secrets of the Universe” by Max Thomson

"The laws of quantum physics are charming, mysterious, and govern our life: from GPS to Laser, from solar panels to computers; our technology is based on theories we don't fully understand yet. Quantum mechanics, for its almost magic, has always fascinated philosophers and scientists. Moreover, today it enters our "daily life" and inspires books, films, and works of art. "Physics is not a representation of reality, but our way of thinking about it" said Werner Heisenberg. In this book, your perception of what is true or false will vanish ... ... waves that act like particles, particles that cross barriers like ghosts or communicate with each other in a "telepathic" way, a cat can be alive or dead...>>

“The Book of English Magic” by Philip Carr-Gomm and Richard Heygate

"Of all the countries in the world, England has the richest history of magical lore and practice. English authors such as J.R.R.Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Terry Pratchett, and J.K.Rowling, dominate the world of magic in fiction, but from the earliest times, England has also acted as home to generations of eccentrics and scholars who have researched and explored every conceivable kind of occult art. Most people are torn between a fascination with magic and an almost instinctive fear of the occult, of a world redolent with superstition and illusion. And yet more people now practice magic in England than at any time in her history. The Book of English Magic explores this hidden story, from...>>