Magick Matters

“Life Of Mantras: Complete Practical Guide of Mantras” by Gianni Tovarelli

"A Mantra is a sound or a word that is being rehashed as often as possible at the top of the priority list or so everyone can hear that outcomes in hushing the consistent commotion and prattle of your considerations. The word Mantra in Sanskrit signifies, "man" relating to mind and the 'tra', or instruments, which makes mantra a "mind's instrument." The sound of "tra" likewise signifies 'free'. In this manner, a mantra is an apparatus that aides in liberating the brain from all negative state. These Mantras are frequently being utilized as a part of ruminating with a specific end goal to help somebody achieve an unmistakable and quiet condition of the mind that advances...>>

“Simple Romany Money Spells: Short, simple, but incredibly potent spells” by Baxtalo Ash

"I learned from a young age that there is magic in all of us and our surroundings. I was lucky enough to grow up with a grandmother who came from a long line of Romany Gypsy Wise Women. My own mother considered the arts witchcraft, so Patience, my grandmother, taught me in secret whenever we had the chance to be together. The greatest knowledge she passed on to me was that spells are tools as are their ingredients, that spells can be cast using any manner of items. She instilled in me that if our hearts are open to the rhythm of the world, then anything is possible."...>>

“Magic’s in the Bag: Creating Spellbinding Gris Gris Bags and Sachets” by Chere Dastugue Coen and Jude Bradley

"Cultures worldwide have long incorporated small bags containing herbs, stones, and other sacred items as part of their belief systems, whether to ward off evil, protect them while traveling or to attract positive elements into their lives. Egyptians carried amulets for protection, Native Americans wore medicine bags filled with healing herbs, and African Americans collected “sticks, stones, roots and bones” inside flannel bags and called them “mojo” or “gris gris.” Gris gris and sachet bags are, in essence, a prayer or magical spell you can carry with you. Magic’s in the Bag explores this history, plus offers 75 simple spells to create your own gris gris bag, including bags for prosperity, safe travel, contacting spirits, protection...>>

“Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature’s Seasons through Intuitive Magick” by Temperance Alden

"When we think of the wheel of the year, the Wiccan wheel with its celebrations of the Yule, Beltane, Mabon, and Samhain come to mind. But what about a wheel of the year for the rest of us pagans and witches? As a witch living in sunny South Florida, longtime hereditary witch Temperance Alden has often felt at odds gearing up to celebrate Yule, for example, when it is 76 degrees and sunny outside. Year of the Witch will help readers create their own intuitive practices in harmony with the climate, culture, and local spirits where they live. It’s of interest to witches coming off the Wiccan path and looking for a more personal approach...>>