“The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development” by Christopher Penczak (kindle ebook version)

"Explore your Inner Temple―your personal sacred space where there are no boundaries and all things are possible. With study, dedication, and practice, the lessons and exercises in this book will empower you to transform the repetitive rigors of the daily grind into a witch's web of magickal experiences.
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft is a thorough course of education, introspection, meditation, and the development of the magickal and psychic abilities that are the birthright of the witch. Four introductory chapters present the history, traditions, and principles of witchcraft, followed by thirteen lessons that start with basic meditation techniques and culminate in a self-initiation ceremony equivalent to the first-degree level of traditional coven-based witchcraft.
As you progress through this year-and-a-day course of study, you will explore a wide range of topics that support and inform the dedicated witch:
Ancient and modern magickal philosophy
Modern scientific theories supporting a new definition of reality
"Instant" magick techniques for protection, healing, and serenity
Energy work and anatomy, including chakras and auras
Astral travel, dreams, and spirit guides
Healing techniques for body, mind, and spirit
This book's non-dogmatic presentation encourages an eclectic, personal approach while providing a strong foundation for the practice of witchcraft and magick. Develop your psychic abilities and practice potent magickal techniques as you explore the source of every witch's power―the temple within."

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