“The Mystery of Human Consciousness: How your mind constructs and controls reality” by Israel Verano

"The Mystery of Human Consciousness: How your mind constructs and controls reality" by Israel Verano

"This book has already helped some people to improve their lives and understand how reality works. And I am happy every time one of my students tells me about the miracles that entered his life after reading this book. And believe me, miracles are real. But they come not at all from the gods, but from ourselves, from our consciousness. Personally, I believe that it is impossible to succeed in practice without having enough theory. In our time, many people are in a hurry to act without having a sufficient knowledge base for this. As a result, mistakes and disappointments befall them. Do not forget that Pythagoras studied magic with the Egyptian priests for 22 years! See how much theory is needed? Well, I really tried to push all my theory in the most concise and understandable form into this book. At the end of the book, I will still give you some practical techniques for working with consciousness. I can guarantee you a wonderful result only in one case – you will perform these techniques for several days! This exercise is not for one day. The lazy ones will be left behind, the strong ones will go far ahead."