“A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch” by Joshua Cutchin

"Accept food from faeries, and you’ll never escape their realm, according to European folklore. Accept food from Sasquatch and you will forever be trapped in the spirit world, according to indigenous North American tales. And today, abductees—at least those who have returned—often report being offered strange beverages from their captors. Are these similarities mere coincidence, or is something more at play?
In this outstanding example of scholarship on the unknown, Joshua Cutchin has created the world’s first survey and analysis of the food and drink offered by aliens, faeries, and Sasquatch. The offerings are often not what they appear to be: some liquids have healing or aphrodisiac qualities, some foods expand awareness, and there are ointments that reveal an invisible world.
Through his playful explorations of every possibility—from the outer regions of space to the inner sanctum of the human mind—A TROJAN FEAST offers new insight into our relationship with these strange creatures of the outer edge."

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