“Frozen Hell” by John W. Campbell, Jr.

"Frozen Hell" by John W. Campbell, Jr.

"Fans of John Carpenter's "The Thing" can rejoice — here is the original, previously-unpublished, 45-pages-longer version of John W. Campbell's classic story, "Who Goes There?" (filmed as "The Thing" and "The Thing from Another World"). The Frozen Hell manuscript remained unknown and unpublished for decades, and it was only recently rediscovered at Harvard by scholar Alec Nevala-Lee, long buried in John W. Campbell's papers.

So here is the original version of "Who Goes There?" It adds an astonishing 45 pages of extra material to the classic story and expands it dramatically, giving vital backstory and context to an already incredible tale. We are pleased and honored to offer Frozen Hell to you now, as Campbell intended it."