“Déjà Vu & Other Spiritual Gifts.: Enriching Your Inner Life with Mental Exercises From Brain Science” by Todd Murphy

"Do you know the feeling that there’s someone standing behind you, but when you turn to look, there’s no one there? That’s a gift, too. This sensation can help you in your prayers and devotions as you learn to feel the presence of the God or spirit you pray to.
Déjà vu is a gift. It’s a strange mixture of the past and the present that feels like it has a deep meaning, and you can use it to Be Here Now, especially in meditation.
Do you know what it’s like to feel your body moving when you’re keeping still? That’s another gift. If you have the aptitude for it, it can help you achieve out-of-body experiences. Do your hands ever tingle or buzz? Do they ever feel warm or hot? That’s also a gift; one that can help you to help others, through healing by laying on hands, one of humanity's oldest healing arts.
Do you sometimes think in pictures instead of words or have images ‘flash’ into your mind? This gift points the way to intuitions and psychic skills, and this book will tell you how to begin working with yours. Do you find yourself filled with affection when you see a cute baby or even a charming kitten? This precious gift can help you find a new depth of compassion and a capacity for kindness you may not know you had.
Very few people have all these gifts, but most people have at least one of them. In this book, you’ll find ways of engaging these sensations that can make your spiritual life richer and more fulfilling.
This book is about nurturing your spirituality by working with common experiences that happen through the brain, like Déjà Vu, sensing presences, spontaneous mental images, or feeling like your body is moving when you’re keeping still. Déjà vu and other Spiritual Gifts shows you their meaning and how to use them in your spiritual life.
Very few people have all these gifts, but most people have at least one of them. In Déjà vu & other Spiritual Gifts, you’ll find ways of engaging these sensations that can make your spiritual life richer and more fulfilling. It also explains how to develop spiritual healing and psychic perception from a scientist involved in laboratory research on remote viewing and telepathy.
Déjà vu is only one of the sensations we look at, but people who have it usually have other intriguing sensations, so if you bought this book because you get déjà vu, you’ll probably find a new understanding of other things you’ve wondered about, and why they offer a way into your own unique spirituality, your own mind, and your self."

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