“Tarot. The Holistic Approach: A Spiritual Approach To Life Through The Art of Tarot” by Bronwyn Steventon

"Tarot. The Holistic Approach: A Spiritual Approach To Life Through The Art of Tarot" by Bronwyn Steventon

"This book ought not be used as an analytical approach to the art of tarot. It is far finer than this. Instead it is a step up in vibration bringing to the reader the possibility of the unseen, of the things that hint at the existence of Spirits, Angels and Guides, even God, through the art of reading tarot. It teaches a way of communicating with your higher self through the symbolism of the cards. This experience will leave you feeling supported, because it is not easy doing it alone, and you are not alone, the ether is filled with beings who want nothing more than to communicate with you. They are waiting simply for your attention.

When this book is read and you come to the end, you will have an understanding of how the Universe works through the subtle language of symbolism and synchronicity. This book will teach you through the traditional tarot, how to interpret the purpose behind your experiences and ways to remove the blocks that prevent spiritual and emotional growth. This will shift your vibration and help you feel the presence of your Infinite Self communicating with you as you manoeuvre your way through life.

Tarot has and will always be my way of hearing the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, messages from Source, from All That Is, telling me there is more to life than meets the eye. I hope it becomes your connection to the next dimension up, where your higher self sits, waits for your attention and watches over you."