“Health through Oscillations and Waves” by Georges Lakhovsky

"At a time when electricity and radioelectricity are given a prominent place in physics, when it is claimed that all matter is explained by the electron and all movement by the wave, it is essential not to ignore the power of such agents in therapeutics. A french scientist who is not indifferent to the fate of humanity, M. Georges Lakhovsky, has undertaken to fill this gap by studying, in the light of the work of his illustrious predecessor, Prof. d'Arsonval, the extent to which natural and artificial electric waves condition our existence and what forces we can draw from them to maintain our health and treat our diseases. The method of the oscillating circuit, which he has devised and whose applications already appear so fruitful, is the result of a series of researches, both theoretical and practical, which M. Lakhovsky has been pursuing for many years on the mystery of the origin of life and on the problem of the treatment of cancer. This bold innovator has shown in a series of works that relate his work: The Origin of Life, The Universion, Contribution to the Etiology of Cancer, The Secret of Life (Gauthier-Villars, editor), that radio waves should not be considered only as the most advanced of our means of communication, but as the very principle on which the universe rests, in particular organized beings and life. This is how M. Lakhovsky was led to conceive the oscillatory nature of the living cell and of organized beings, just as the physicist conceived the oscillatory nature of the material molecule, of the atom and of the whole universe. This hypothesis has been progressively verified by his original and fruitful experiments on the treatment of cancer and other diseases."

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