“11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon: Mysterious Signs, Sequences, and Synchronicities” by Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman (2019 edition)

"Do you wake up every night and see 11:11 on the clock? Or 3:33? 4:44? Does the same number sequence seem to appear throughout your life over and over? Did you know that millions of people all over the world experience the same phenomenon?
These mysterious number sequences are known as "time prompts", and show up on digital clocks, cell phones, receipts, billboards, advertisements, and other places. They seem like pure coincidence, but what if they are actually messages from a higher source, like angels, guides, or even the Universe itself, urging you to pay attention to something important?
This book explores the many theories about what these number sequences are, including:
The science behind synchronicities, coincidences, and the mathematical nature of reality
Numerical patterns and sacred geometry in nature—such as the Fibonacci spiral, the golden ratio, and DNA sequences
Enter the intriguing world of time prompts. If numbers are the language of the Universe, what are they saying to you?"

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