“Hoodoo For Beginners: Learn About the Secret Power of Rootwork and Conjure with Herbs, Candles and Oils to Eliminate Negativity—Discover African Spiritual Traditions and Cast Magic Spells” by Evelyn Marie Fournette

"Have you heard of Hoodoo and its practices? Would you like to learn folk magic that can improve your life? Are you familiar with native African spiritual traditions? With this new guide, you will develop a deep understanding of Hoodoo practices to increase happiness, success, health and affirmation in your love life.
Hoodoo originated in the United States and encompasses a wide range of spiritual practices, traditions, and commonly held beliefs that evolved from various traditional African folk religions. Now, you have the chance to practice Hoodoo to reach your highest self and give yourself a better life.
You will learn many simple spells to protect you from evil, have spiritual protection and improve your happiness. In this new book, Hoodoo for Beginners, you can explore these traditions and their advanced thinking in chapters that cover:
An overview of Hoodoo and its beliefs
How to get started and incorporate it into your daily life
Cleansing and purification rituals
Spells, tricks, and rituals for love, success, money, luck, justice, protection, fertility, healing, and more
The different objects and substances that are used in Hoodoo
Using herbs and roots for magic and spells
Building and using your own altar
Cleansing rituals and spirit washes
The importance of Graveyards and Crossroads and how to work with each one safely
And more…
Hoodoo for Beginners explores an enigmatic set of practices that have been in use for hundreds of years, and which still hold an important place in the lives of millions of people of African descent today."

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