“Let’s Make Money Witches: How To Use Your Inner Power to Manifest the Financial Abundance You Deserve with a Little Magick” by Eve Quinn

"Let's Make Money Witches: How To Use Your Inner Power to Manifest the Financial Abundance You Deserve with a Little Magick" by Eve Quinn

"Have you been struggling with your finances and want to manifest abundance into your life? This is a practical, easy-to-read, and mackically filled guide to help you achieve those goals!

We have all been there. We got one too many glass jars or were mesmerized by the flash of that gorgeous Labradorite crystal and now we are a little afraid to look at our bank account. It can be easy to fall down the crystal or herb hole and forget that we don’t need any tools besides our intentions to perform powerful spells. This fear stops now! You should be able to live happily and spend on what you want or need because abundance is coming your way. It won’t be easy, but it’s achievable to all of us so get rid of your limiting beliefs and go out and get it.

Here are some of the questions answered in the book:
Do you know what financial abundance is?
We know you’ve heard about affirmations and manifestation, but have you grasped the concepts in a way to bring your goals to fruition?
How often do you perform shadow work?
What is the plan for when your motivation fades?
Do you know the mundane habits that you have to form in order to reach financial independence?
Have you compiled a list of powerful magickal spells to bring your goals to fruition?

Our school system doesn't teach us how to be financially literate so it’s time to take control of our own future. Through this book, Eve Quinn helps spread awareness and knowledge because they believe we all deserve financial freedom and abundance. This book brings all readers a lot of how-to knowledge with practical steps along with powerful spells.

If you are ready to live a life of financial abundance; this practical and condensed guide is here to help you achieve it!"