“Otherwhere: A Field Guide for Astral Travelers” by Kurt Leland (2019 revised and enlarged edition)

"I wrote Otherwhere: A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-Body Traveler in the early 1990s to sum up nearly twenty years of out-of-body adventures that began when I was fifteen years old. These adventures took me into nonphysical realms in which time and space behaved differently, "quite other" than we normally experience them—hence the name "Otherwhere".
I explored the locations where our dreams occur and where we find ourselves after death. It took me nearly ten years to find a publisher, but when Otherwhere came out in 2001, it sold well and went into a second printing. The publisher dropped it during the economic downturn of 2008 and for years used copies were much sought after and highly priced.
This new revised and enlarged edition contains everything that was in the first, plus five new chapters detailing how I learned to communicate with beings encountered in nonphysical reality using a nonverbal language I call feel/think. It also provides notes demonstrating how my early adventures tally with the theosophical system of subtle bodies and planes discussed in The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection.
Kurt Leland, 2019.
*The previous sub-title was A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-Body Traveler."

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