“The Master of Speech” by Shannon Dorey

"The Master of Speech deciphers the ancient mythology of the Dogon, an isolated African tribe who live along a 200-kilometre stretch of escarpment called the Cliffs of Bandiagara near Timbuktu. The French anthropologist Griaule recorded the Dogon mythology in 1947 in his book, Conversations with OgotemmĂȘli.
The Dogon had knowledge of the triple star Sirius system that was told to Griaule long before modern astronomers discovered the third star in the system in 1995. The Dogon told Griaule they had obtained their knowledge from amphibious beings who came to Earth from the Sirius star system. After extensive analysis of this mythology, Dorey reveals that these alien beings called Nummo were responsible for human creation through genetic engineering. She further proves that their contact with the Earth resulted in the evolution of most of the world's major religions. The Master of Speech focuses on the connections between paganism, Christianity, and the Greek and Egyptian mythologies. It reveals the connection of the Zodiac to this mythology and refers to the destruction of the Earth as told in Plato's Timeas relating to Atlantis. It talks about the human unconscious and our relationship to time and immortality.
The information presented in this book will be disturbing for some individuals. The facts however speak for themselves. This is a must read for anyone wanting to come to terms with the truth about the beginning of human existence."

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