“The Scarlet Wand: Sex Magic For Gay Males” by Raji Dorotez

"The Scarlet Wand, originally published in 1993, and revised for the first time in 1998, was well-received and enjoyed a modest success. Copies who have survived the test of time are now being sold for much more than the original $10 it first sold for. But its author, now pushing 70, has increasingly felt it didn't say enough and wasn't the complete legacy he wished to leave behind, so he has revised it for a second time. It has been expanded from its orginal 86 pages to 266. Much more could be said, but the author had to stop somewhere.
This book is not a collection of spells, curses, and philtres. It is much more. It goes to the root of Magic and tells why it works or doesn't work, analyzes its components and lists them so the student can understand what Magic is. It is devised so the reader can create his own spells, write his own ceremonies, find his own Gods, and invent his own Magic.
And he has gone further. Although he describes everything from the view-point of a Gay Man, he points out that this book is for all Males, of any age, whatever their sexual orientation might be. He points out that the words Gay and Straight separate us, when in reality we are the same. He also insists that Women can use this book. All they have to do is translate it to fit themselves. We are all human. We are all sexual. Magic is our soul. We cannot separate ourselves from it.
Although the Table of Contents can narrow your search, it is advised the student read this book from cover to cover first, and then use the Table of Contents as you see fit. The author encourages feed-back from anyone and everyone. ENJOY…"

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