“Abhichara: Tantric Magic and Mysticism” by Adinath Jayadhar and Siddheshwari Jayadhar
"Abhichara is the Tantric magic of India focused both on the adept's deification and the achievement of their other life goals, including material goals. Books on Abhichara translated into European languages are a great bibliographical rarity. This unique book Abhichara: Tantric Magic and Mysticism gives a general overview of Abhichara, and describes the pantheon of deities of the Abhichara mandala and the mantic system of Shri Matrika. One of the parts of this book is devoted to the basics of practical metaphysics. The book also outlines the principles of archiving information and energy in mantras and spells, and the principles of releasing energy and information from mantras and spells. Studying this book will help you to acquire skills in practical application of the oracle of Shri Matrika."
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