“Arianrhod’s Dance: A Druid Ritual Handbook ” by Julie White and Graeme K. Talboys

"All ritual is a focus. It makes you aware of the point at which you stand — be that of a time of year, of day or night, of a moment of potential when the way forward becomes apparent or a possible future is revealed, of an instant when one cycle closing opens the next. It also makes you aware of the place where you stand, for none of the events celebrated by our rituals takes place in limbo. They happen in the real world, marking real and often intimate events of enormous consequence. And by marking these events, we allow them to mark us – binding us to the sky and to the land and to the sea from which they all derive.
Rituals make you aware of the point at which you stand, and also of the place where you stand. Along with sample rituals for the eightfold year and eight major rites of passage, this work contains chapters on the nature of ritual and its place in our spiritual and everyday lives. There are also prayers and other workings.
The authors of the much acclaimed The Path through the Forest: A Druid Guidebook now offer this as a companion volume."

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